Rory (Kaleasco Echoes In Eternity)

Rory (Kaleasco Echoes In Eternity)

Rory is the daughter of Bella & Mack and her owner Chloe says that she craves the company of both human and canine kind (loves her fur brother) and she adapts her play style to be age appropriate, depending on who she is with. Like any Border Collie, she is very energetic and loves to run and jump around. Rory wants a cuddle from every person she meets, but when she is ready for some alone time she enjoys taking a toy to her bed to settle down with. Chloe says she's a determined girl who likes to be in charge and she's not too worried with change, she's adaptable and tolerates all situations, which I certainly have found true when she has spent time here with us, nothing phased her. All in all, she has a lovely temperament, following in the pawprints of her parents and grandparents. 

Rory is Hip & Elbow scored and DNA clear by parentage.